Things that you did not know about SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO is one of the most effective methods to reach your online goals and achieve a high ranking in SERPs (search engine pages). It makes use of numerous online tools and techniques to help search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc, to optimize your page and get your target audience to find you naturally.

You might be trying to sell a product or certain services, regardless of what your brand is selling, your online presence should be strong and your clients should be able to relate to your content. The proper use of relevant keywords and engaging content is bound to attract your target audience.

The algorithm of SERPs keeps changing with time, SEO services from the best SEO companies in Kolkata, ensure that with proper skills and methods, your brand is recognized as trustworthy and relatable, which helps you stay ahead of the competition. You might be having a basic idea about the process, what it consists of, and how it works, but read on for you are sure to come across some things you haven't heard of!

Interesting facts about Search Engine Optimization

The mystery of search engine pages:
SEO specialists rely on being up-to-date with trends, testing, and experience to understand the algorithms of search engine pages. The definite inner workings of SERPs such as Google, Yahoo, etc, remain a mystery as they keep changing over time. This is why you need to invest in the best SEO company in India.
The older the better: Older websites that have been on SERPs for a longer time are considered more reliable and trustworthy. They tend to have higher rankings and can attract potential customers naturally. If Google can consider your webpage as professional and authentic then you might end up with increased website traffic.
Most clicks are given to the first page:
According to statistics, 60% of clicks go to the first webpage. So, using relevant keywords, engaging and creative content, and hiring expert SEO specialists will help your website appear on the first page.
Voice search is on the rise: With more advanced technology, increased use of cell phones, and the want for everything to be easier and faster, voice search is on the rise. Voice search assistants such as Siri and Alexa are used to look for information, which stresses the use of specific keywords and optimizing your website for voice search queries.
Using videos to boost ranking:
Videos increase the amount of time one spends on your website. High-quality videos with engaging content that have relevance to your topic can increase your ranking significantly.


SEO is a vast field that ever ever-changing and it is a unique tool that can keep you ahead of the curve. If you are patient and invest in it, then you are bound to get satisfying results. SEO requires consistency and professional skills to get long-term results.

If you are considering hiring, then, Media FX is one of the best SEO companies in Kolkata, with years of expertise in the digital world and professional specialists in the field. If you wish to enquire about their SEO packages and their rates then do read on.


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